The Editing Process
So this week has been very busy both with the day job and with the writing process. I received Fire Rebel (book three) back from the copy editor last Sunday morning and knowing I was going to be busy this weekend (a trip up to Barnard Castle yesterday to catch up with friends and d’n’d session today), I knew I had Sunday afternoon, bank holiday Monday and the evening to work on it. So priorities shifted and they had too, I mean we all only get 24 hours in a day, and any tv watching pretty much went out of the window with my tv rule coming back in - the tv is not switched on until 9pm, anything you want to watch before then can be recorded - and I even went as far as switching the wifi off as I edited.
This was the easier edit to do, I have to admit, when I get the content edit back for book four, that will take much longer than a week to get through and it should. This was the copy edit, so it more a case of discipline over creativity at this stage, which involves transferring the edits off the paper copy I have received and then reading the chapter again to make sure everything made sense. On Sunday, I have got through ten chapters, Monday I added another twenty-four chapters, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights I wrapped up the last twenty chapters. This left time for me to make an Instagram account, relaunch my neglected twitter/x account, and design business cards so I have them ready for the writing conference I’m attending at the end of June.
I’ve got a final read through of Fire Rebel to do, formatting, and sorting out the cover, but its all well on track (an estimated 10 hours work left) and will be with you very soon. But in the meantime, you can find the first three chapters here.